good idea... poor execution
User interface is awful, way to many taps to get hardly anything back from the device.
This review is for the developer... you have a good idea, but the interactions you put the user through are painful.
Never leave the user with a blank screen... the first screen should be a new trip! (shouldnt have to hit edit or add)
I like that your using the address book... (again shouldnt have to hit edit or add) also seems strange that I would have to add myself to get paid also. Your title shouldnt be new trip (it should be greyed out like with description)
( I dont want to delete this everytime I have a new trip)
On to expenses... once again the screen is blank I have to hit edit... Im not editing anything, Im adding something, but how? (you have to hit edit) and then I have to click add? Yikes this is a horrible experience.
Description... OK you enter food, enter an amount...friend paying for expense its me! how do I get my name into this? I cant choose me!
I like the checkmark who is sharing the expense.
Once your done... there is no overview of all this you have to dig into each trip to find out who what where and how.
I suggest that you think this one through again. its a good idea but poor execution.
Then here is the big one... Once the user has entered in all this information this application doesnt help anyone get paid, doesnt help anyone get notified, or tell the user to contact anyone or call or email anyone... You need follow through!
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